Category: Healing

  • Trigger Point Injections (w/ Micro-Dissection)

    Physical pain can often be caused by a mechanical source, which is why pills don’t always work. Trigger points are painful sites inside our muscles or connective tissues. They behave like a burr caught in the moving parts of our body

  • Health hacks for help on a budget

    Drugs, both prescription and over the counter, can be very expensive, and may cause side effects. Many of my patients are pleased to learn there are some economical options with products that they may already have in their home.

  • Caring for Sore Throats

    For many years after the age of antibiotics began over a half-century ago, most doctors reached for Penicillin or Sulfa drugs, and most patients expected this prescription to be the “miracle” cure. Which it might well be, if the underlying organism is a strep bacteria, and not a virus.

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