One of the common complaints I see in my office is that of hip pains, which come in two varieties
Knee pains are becoming very common. Most of the orthopedic surgeons in professional football and hockey are specialists in the knee, leaving others to look after the rest of the bones in question.
We don’t get injuries from “hunting and gathering” in the field, we get them from “hunting and pecking” at a keyboard.
If you have a facial cut in the future, you may not need to see a doctor for sewing. Instead, you may see the nurse for gluing.
Are you embarking on a new exercise program to redress the flab put on over years of sedentary living? Well, there are a few things you should be aware of right at the start.
Are you under a lot of stress at work? Well, if you are not handling it well, it could be making you more at risk for heart disease.
Are you an overweight teenager, or do you have one in your family? Well, new research indicates that childhood obesity may be hurting a lot more than just their physical appearance.