Physical pain can often be caused by a mechanical source, which is why pills don’t always work. Trigger points are painful sites inside our muscles or connective tissues. They behave like a burr caught in the moving parts of our body
For many years after the age of antibiotics began over a half-century ago, most doctors reached for Penicillin or Sulfa drugs, and most patients expected this prescription to be the “miracle” cure. Which it might well be, if the underlying organism is a strep bacteria, and not a virus.
Knee pains are becoming very common. Most of the orthopedic surgeons in professional football and hockey are specialists in the knee, leaving others to look after the rest of the bones in question.
Considering the thousands of particles of dust laden with bacteria we have bombarding our bodies every day, one might wonder how the eye avoids constant infections. The answer lies in its brilliant design.
If you have a facial cut in the future, you may not need to see a doctor for sewing. Instead, you may see the nurse for gluing.
Is stress getting you right in the breadbasket? Here are some tips to put out that “fire in your belly”!
Joint inflammation, or “arthritis”, is very common with today’s active public. As opposed to a disease that travels through various joints in the body, osteo-arthritis is one condition that is physical in nature.
One of the more common complaints among patients is a pain above the heel, in the Achilles tendon.
Back pain has become more common in the computer age than it was in the agricultural age. This may appear puzzling, because we are no longer working the land, we are now working the hand. Or at least both hands, at a keyboard.