Physical pain can often be caused by a mechanical source, which is why pills don’t always work. Trigger points are painful sites inside our muscles or connective tissues. They behave like a burr caught in the moving parts of our body
We don’t get injuries from “hunting and gathering” in the field, we get them from “hunting and pecking” at a keyboard.
Insomnia is very often a simple disorganization of ones time, diet, or habits. But for many, the lack of sleep makes them look terrible, and feel even worse.
The human body was built for “hunting and gathering”, not “hunt-and-peck” typing. Our DNA and our evolution is built on movement. However, we now have invented a work form that is virtually movement-free: the modern office.
Constipation, or passing stool with difficulty less than three times a week, is a common reaction to modern stress. This is at first glance curious, because our bodies were hard-wired for centuries for the exact opposite response.