Are you at that “golden” age when retirement is looming, or has already loomed? For years, we have all thought of retirement as the reward for a lifetime of work, but the reality is quite different.
Whenever I do a talk show or a speech, someone always asks me if I have any special tips for how to deal with insomnia, a condition that means chronically having insufficient sleep to function effectively.
Insomnia is very often a simple disorganization of ones time, diet, or habits. But for many, the lack of sleep makes them look terrible, and feel even worse.
Dry eyes are more than a modest problem. They can be the cause of great stress.
We have redesigned our ancestors’ active workplace to remove most movements as we sit all day at a desk. So the modern response to stress has gone from the “fight and flight” option to a not-so-energetic “sit and stare” response. and new research is indicating that even more is at stake with our modern inactivity.
Having seen thousands of new people in these past months, it is clear that Stress is still one of the major factors in our Health Care Crisis.